Friday Night Sounds : Jun Wan
"There is no one better to bless the closing slot"
Cooked Memories
Enjoy an evening of sonic refreshment with Jun Wan, bringing two decades of dedication to the world of electronic music. Come early for free oyster tastings, courtesy of local restaurant Thermidor.
Presented by Newcastle Art Gallery, experience Jun Wan's genre-bending sets, guaranteed to make you dance. A driving force behind local club subculture and a prominent tastemaker, Jun Wan brings two decades of dedication to the world of electronic music.
Watch as we transform Ngumpi Kinyingarra Oyster House into an outdoor dance party with a live laser light show.
Get in early for live oyster-shucking demonstrations and free tastings, courtesy of local restaurant Thermidor. Live oyster shucking and tasting and music starts from 6pm.
Looking for an aperitif? Whet your appetites at Thermidor for their Shell & Spritz Aperitif Hour from 5.00pm to 6.00pm!
Haze and lighting effects
Wheelchair access.
Ngumpi Kinyingarra Oyster House is presented exclusively by Newcastle Art Gallery for New Annual. Project supporters include University of Newcastle, the NSW Government through Create NSW and Thermidor.
The pavilion for Ngumpi Kinyingarra Oyster House has been designed by students at the University of Newcastle School of Architecture and Built Environment facilitated by Associate Professor Sam Spurr and Senior Lecturer Anna Tweeddale: Alistair Eglington, Chalyse Fowler, Ivie Wong Hueyyi, Joshua Medbury, Keiran Buckley, Peter Ellis, Rachel Florey, Tahlia Phillips, Tom Licata.
Megan Cope is represented by Milani Gallery, Meeanjin/ Brisbane.