Truth to Power Café : Participant Terms & Conditions


‘Truth to Power Cafe’ is a non-partisan live performance and digital theatre event.

Your well-being is important to us. It is our duty of care to ensure terms and conditions for taking part are clear.  By submitting your entry you are accepting these terms and conditions. To make your submission, you must complete the form on this webpage or write to the Promoter direct.  All submissions are received in confidence. When selecting entries for inclusion the Promoter will be looking for original, unique and powerful true stories in response to the question ‘who (or what) has power over you and what do you want to say to them (or it)?’

We ask you to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

Your story for the digital platform should not exceed 250 words and for the live show 500 words.  Stories can take the form of a speech, monologue, rap or poem. The inclusion of your story in the project is often subject to a private and confidential conversation between yourself and Café creator Jeremy Goldstein.

We do not permit hate speech as defined by our terms and conditions. The Promoter will not allow you to express any form of discriminatory speech even if you claim it to be in the name of free speech. The Promoter defines free speech as speech which is not transphobic, homophobic, anti-semitic, islamophobic, or in any way discriminatory to individuals or minority groups.

Producer of Truth to Power Café, hereinafter referred to as Café, is Jeremy Goldstein for and on behalf of London Artists Projects Ltd hereinafter referred to as the Promoter.   

You own the copyright to your story as its author.  By submitting your story to the Café, you give the Promoter permission for your story to be reproduced in whatever media.  As a participant, you agree to a portrait photograph for the live show, which is conceived as part of the overall dramatic narrative of the project.  You grant the Promoter: a) a non-exclusive royalty-free licence to publish your story and portrait photograph, accompanied by a 50-word extract from your story in digital format and hard copy for editorial, promotional and non-commercial purposes connected with the Café; b) the right to use your name and town or city of residence for the sole purpose of identifying you as the author of your story. Your portrait photograph will be provided to you in digital format (72dpi / 1200 x 800 pixels). The Photographer owns the copyright to all the portrait photographs taken for the Café and has licensed them to the Promoter for editorial, promotional and non-commercial use.  If you choose to post your portrait photograph via social media it must always include the watermark crediting the portrait to the Café and the Photographer.  When you post the portrait on social media you must credit Truth to Power Café and the Photographer in the comments: (Photo © (Photographer) for Truth to Power Café) and tag the Photographer and London Artists Projects / Truth to Power Café. Your portrait must not be used or reproduced in any other context, professional or otherwise.  Unless otherwise agreed, you should not make or permit any alterations to your story or portrait, whether by adding or removing material from the story or photograph including cropping or electronically altering the image.  If you choose to post your video via social media please tag Truth to Power Café and London Artists Projects.

Unless otherwise agreed, you warrant and undertake that work submitted is the truth and will not infringe intellectual property, privacy or any other rights of any third party. You must ensure that any person or persons whose material is used in your story has given valid consent for the use of their material or has waived any rights they may have in the work being submitted.

The Café is open to those aged 14 and over unless otherwise agreed.  Where a person is under 18, the consent of that person's parent or guardian must be obtained. 

For the live show the Promoter will notify shortlisted entries at least a week prior to each Café. If your story is chosen for the live show we ask you to be available for 3.5 hours on the day of the show for rehearsal, photo portrait, and performance, the schedule of which will be agreed with you in advance. You may be asked to participate in promotional activity for the Cafe at your discretion. 

In all matters the Promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.  The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss, liabilities, injury or disappointment incurred or suffered by you as a result of participating in the Cafe.  The Promoter shall not be liable for any failure to comply with its obligations where the failure is caused by something outside its reasonable control. Such circumstances shall include, but not be limited to, weather conditions, fire, flood, hurricane, strike, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, inevitable accidents, supervening legislation or any other circumstances amounting to force majeure.

If you need further information please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.  We look forward to hearing your story. Thank you.