Make some NOISE
Dancenorth and New Annual invites you to make NOISE with us in 2023.
It's not too late to join!
We invite drummers and noisemakers of all skills, abilities, ages and experience to join us for rehearsals in August and September. Be part of this monumental performance with Dancenorth and as many drummers as we can muster! Participation is fun, inclusive, and voluntary.
Rehearsal Schedule
Weekly on Sundays from 4 - 6pm
Rehearsals commence 13 August, 2023
Tech rehearsals Wed 27 & Thur 28 Sept, time TBC
Final Performances
Friday 29 September, 6:00pm at Museum Park
Saturday 30 September, 6:30pm + 8:30pm at Museum Park
Participants are expected to be available for all or most scheduled rehearsals and performances.
To register, please complete the registration form below. Be sure to complete ALL REQUIRED fields, otherwise the form will not submit. You should receive a THANK YOU message when your form is successfully submitted.
All other queries can be directed to
From time to time we will need to contact you about rehearsals and performances, please ensure that the contact details supplied are kept up to date.
My kids are keen to participate – is there an age limit for volunteers?
There is no formal age limit for participation – children may take part at the discretion of their parent/guardian. We recommend reading through “what to expect” to make this decision for, and with, your young person. Participants under 18 years of age are welcome to take part, as long as they are accompanied by a responsible adult. Please list their ages next to their names on the registration form.
I might have to miss a rehearsal, is that OK?
We understand that it is difficult to commit to attendance at rehearsals spanning a seven-week period. Full attendance will ensure that you are as prepared, and confident as possible, to perform. Please endeavour to attend across the full schedule – but let us know if something comes up to prevent your attendance along the way.
Volunteer Agreement
By submitting this application, you agree to the following guidelines of engagement:
I expressly assume the risk of participating as a volunteer drummer in the NOISE. I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Dancenorth and its officers, agents, and staff from any and all claims resulting from or arising out of my participation
in the program including without limitation all claims, demands, causes of action, suits, losses or damages due to my injury or death during my participation.
I agree to comply with reasonable directives in line with Dancenorth's COVIDSafe plan. I understand that these directives may change from time to time. I agree to not attend class if feeling unwell or have a fever, and I also agree to leave immediately if those symptoms arise during my attendance.
I hereby give my consent toDancenorth to record, copy, edit, adapt, modify, distribute or exhibit by image, likeness, voice and/or transcript, in whole or in part, in any form or media, and including the right to sublicense these rights for education and
promotional/publicity purposes for un undefined period of time.
By submitting this agreement, I am committing to attend all rehearsals and performance of NOISE. I understand and confirm
that I can arrange my own transport to and from all rehearsals and performances as outlined in the schedule. I understand that engagement with Dancenorth is in a voluntary capacity and, as such, no form of payment is expected or required.